一项由马来西亚教育部 (MoE) 倡导的项目。Yes 4G 提供基于云储存的虚拟学习平台和连接全国10,000学校的高速互联网并把青蛙虚拟学习模式(Frog VLE)经由4 G宽带连接全国学校,这使马来西亚成为一个卓越的典范。青蛙虚拟学习模式是极具人性化的程式,为各学校而定制。而且它也提供了完善的管理成面,使教师,管理人员,甚至学生能完全嵌入他们学习的环境。这政府这倡议下,马来西亚将成为自个国家使用4G宽带和实践全国虚拟学校的学习环境。
Frog 虚拟学习模式(VLE)是一个网络上的真实世界学习的学习系统,它集合虚拟与传统学习的教育观念。例如,教师可以通过Frog虚拟学习模式分配课业,测试和批改,而学生可以提交作业并通过VLE查看分数。家长可以通过Frog虚拟学习模式查看学校的新闻,学校管理人员可以通过Frog虚拟学习模式安排自己的校历,并通过互联网传播学校通告等。
The Frog Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is a web-based learning system that replicates real-world learning by integrating virtual equivalents of conventional concepts of education. For example, teachers can assign lessons, tests, and marks virtually, while students can submit homework and view their marks through the VLE. Parents can view school news and important documents while school administrators can organise their school calendars and disseminate school notices via the Internet.
With the VLE, education does not have to be confined to a traditional classroom. Learning can take place anywhere, anytime. Frog’s easy-to-use system allows students and teachers to search for almost anything on the internet (videos, images, educational resources) and build it into a sleek-looking Site, without needing any technical expertise. The Frog VLE is also a gateway to a plethora of educational resources and cool apps from around the web, all accessible within a safe, filtered environment.
更多资讯: Frog VLE
启智华小Frog VLE 登录:https://wbc0123.1bestarinet.net
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ReplyDeletehow do i get the username and password to log in?
ReplyDeleteThis program are quite good but teachers should advise parents or given us the step by step of how to submit the answer of the assignment. It is need upload the answer of the text file as complete? Kindly advise us
ReplyDelete代 写 毕业 论文 全面的连接与工作发送答复的最佳方式。 真的需要在数据文件的文字上发布回应,看看完成吗? 慷慨援助你
I have created a easily remember URL for this http://frog.khaichee.com instead of remember the long name.